Make Way for Positivity

Exams are always followed by stress. The pressure to perform well, uncertainty about future and unlimited expectations weigh heavy on students’ minds. Even Helen Keller regarded examinations as ‘chief bugbears’. But it is important to beat the stress and appear for jour exams in a relaxed and confident mode. So try these stress busters and be ready to face your exams in the right spirit.

1. Do not compromise on sleep: Spare 7-8 hours to get adequate sleep and be at your best for the rest 16 hours. Students who skip sleep tend to be slow throughout the day and have low concentration levels. Stress also automatically increases with paucity of sleep.

2. Take small, regular breaks: Studying for stretched hours without taking any breaks may lower your retention power and make you more stressed. So take short but regular breaks after every two hours to stay fresh and in good mood.

3. Make realistic targets: It is advisable to make realistic revision targets every day, instead of trying to squeeze in a lot in one day. If you set unrealistic goals and are unable to achieve them, stress will definitely shoot and lower your learning power.

4. Eat Healthy: Do not skip your meals. Eating properly is as important as studying thoroughly. However, avoid heavy meals that induce sleep and laziness. Avoid fried snacks and greasy delicacies. Instead go for fresh fruits and vegetables. Also drink plenty of juice or water. Do not take coffee or tea in excess.

5. Regular Exercise: Everyone knows that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. So exercise daily as it will improve your health and wit. It is also important to maintain the right body posture while studying.

6. Leisure time: Play outdoor games during study breaks. Take out at least half an hour to watch your favourite TV programme or surf the internet and listen to music. Setting bogged down with too much stress can ruin your positive energy. So, don’t feel guilty about taking short breaks.

7. Spend time with family: Family plays an important role by being the biggest support for the children. Healthy interactions boost morale of children and help them develop and practice positivity in life.

8. Stay Positive: Some stress is natural while most of it is self created. Curb this urge to self-flagellate, instead be nice to yourself and keep reminding yourself of things that you are proud of. This will keep you in a good mood and help you learn more.

In the end, I would like to quote Buddha, “Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s problems but it takes away today’s peace”. Do not stress, do your best and forget the rest.